Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Pocket

The pocket !
Its An asset of a pant. A Money bag for a daily man. An nu-sense for a tailor and what·so·ever.

In our Story lets see what was it for Mr.T !

Mr.T was a costume freak, At-least amongst his friends. Some loved him and some hated him for the same. He kind of enjoyed their comments and the faces they made. He also had a Pant which his MOM liked so much. It had 2 huge POCKETS for which kangaroos would go on a auction to own them. It was the POCKETS that turned on Mr.T to own it.

Fun he had from their Comments on his pants and the Answers he gave:

# Are u working for the Packers and movers ?

# (On a Picnic) Lets all leave our belongings here. .

# Hey where's your Apron ? Don't you know we had to Centrifuge the DNA samples
>Mr.T : Here it is..(Pulling it out of his pocket)
and your notes ?
>Mr.T : Dats' y i hav two pockets !!

# I knw y ur mom likes your pants...she loves taking you to the Grocery Store !

# Hey buddy can you pick me a bottle of kingfisher n drop it in ?
>Mr.T : @#$%! ..

This is how that particular day Mr.T had worn his pants to his college.That day since his faculty wasn't present he had to kill time with his friends.He had gone to the ground floor to meet some friends and from the open windows of that classroom(i meant open windows without even the bars) he jumped out to the backyard with a bunch of his mates for a unknown reason.

That backyard was rustling with a lot of dry trees and weathered leaves on the ground.Mr.T had a super eye for the creatures.He spotted a Green tree snake crawling on one of the branches of a tree.Mr.T had a record in tampering snakes and boasted as he kept his log of stamping approx 24 snakes to death in that particular months. As his house was constructed near a river bank, he encountered a lot of water snakes in and around his house especially on the seasons,Which were all Non-Venomous.He proudly called himself as T.Irwin after the famous crocodile hunter who got killed by a sting ray. And, every-time he laughed at this joke.

Just like every other geek would want to act brave in-front of his mates,he had to take upon a challenge of catching one alive which was his second attempt after a water snake he managed to pull out of a well with his bare hands.But,this time he had to catch it. Being a Science graduate he knew green snakes are not venomous as compared to the other ones,he kept his cool. But, he also knew the Green snakes hanging in trees target your eyes,on a attack as they are attracted to the shiny eyes. That was sure of an Adrenaline moment for Mr.T. He somehow gathered courage to pull it down from the tree but his mission was to grab its head. Just because that's how the Professionals do.

Though he was brave he had to cheat a Little. He pulled a grassy herb and used it as a glove thinking it would prevent him. And,also he believed anything artificial like a polythene bag or a paper would be silly for his reputation among snakes. He had also mastered the technique of grabbing its tail first pulling it with the other hand and then manage to catch its head. HE CAUGHT IT. Hurray !..... He laughed for having proved he was T.Irwin. Now that he had caught a snake,he cant just leave it back. Come on folks he is a now a hero.

He has to take it to the class and fortunately his POCKETS came handy. He held the head of the trawling snake tight with a great fear camouflaged behind his proud smile. He rolled the green pathetic serpent around his fist and put his iron hands into the POCKET and started walking to the class. That small walk till his class kept his pulse for a week. It was a cruel harassment inside the POCKET. He was sweating as he entered the class.

At-last after celebrating his accomplishment after all the pranks in the class he threw it off the window.

Mr.T has now realized it was a pitiful thing he did, to prove his bravery. Later , after all his self realization he became a member of Greenpeace. That was the last snake he caught and every-time when he recollected that incident, the Serpent lived ...................'Happily Ever After' !!


  1. The pockets finally payed know once i tired catching one of those serpent but I could never do that ..though i had a chance..i realized now i did not have those pockets!!

    Anyway, After snake and bats i really wonder what next you are going to bring at the table. Will look forward to read from you...!!

    Good luck!!

    1. To catch one you don't need some pockets really.. lol ;)

      thanks for the comment dude..Keep Reading

  2. thanx for the info..Mr.T.. 'll be careful hereafter at staff room..we ne'er poke into ur pockets :)

    1. Ha ha..Dont dare to....
      thanks for ur Feedbacks on writing..Keep Reading

  3. And now i wil always be a Km away from you, when you wear those pants.. eeek you were carrying a creepy lil thing in that......

  4. Hope you don't find any of those near our campus when u've got those pants on ...haha :D
    Felt the thrill while reading it !!

  5. all i can say is, wow!! be energetic n crazzyy like dz forevr n keep postin us.
    evn i asked u to carry ur pet, remembr? ;)

    1. ha ha...i do remember. bt sorry dear i cant do that for u !
      Keep givin me worked this time too ;)
