Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Masterpiece :: Excuse Me

Masterpiece :

      This morning after a birthday celebration in a nearly place i preferred walking home,this time with the cake box in a hand and a bag of grocessries in the other.As always people watching had kept me busy down the road.That is when i noticed this beautiful piece of organic structure being constructed by these two Archetects with their bare hands.

      I went back to my childhood when,i always was the lead architect of the scrap houses we build at my cousin's backyard.Travelling decades my attention was suddenly pulled back just,to realize i've stopped walking and had my eyes on them . The two masters were annoyed now.

      "Hey,can i take a snap of you guys and the structure ?" I requested the two young men. Pulling out the camera i had slipped in my pocket after the birthday ceremony.

      Before even they replied,their four-legged companions started barking at me.Since,Noone dared to stop in their terittory except their masters who actually lived among them,in their own shelters(huts) nearby. When the dogs got louder one of the architect chased them because he knew i could'nt do anything with all my hands full.

      I gave him a thankful smile and advanced to my position,Admiring the master piece once again this time with the camera. The braver one of them had actually walked out of the frame. He shy ed to face the camera, (i learn t , he thought i was a silly pedestrian). I requested him to be in the frame, he obliged to sit near his fellomate after a bit of a hesitation. Yeah! thats when i clicked their masterpiece.

      Proud to have had such a click, i got on to my feet that's when, i suddenly heard someone call me from behind.
      " EXCUSE ME !..... EXCUSE ME ! "

      I wondered who it was !.When i turned,I was surprised to see 3 girls walking towards me.

      Immediately i noticed one of them wore a hijab and the rest in salwars .One among the two sighed excuse me and pointed at the girl with the hijab stating she intended to stop me . And immediately the girl in black denied it wasn't her and shook her head

      " NO ,NO ....Nothing " she shook her head again.

then muttering with a grin to the other two,why would u do this ? she snapped. I knew what was happening.

        That was a kind of a prank mostly teens play on their weakest buddy. I remember my friends who scream unexpectedly in the class and immediately direct the audience(class) towards the next one near him. so, that the teacher goes mad at him. I've also had some notorious friends who would call some biker who is overtaking the school bus we went and, immediately when he turned to see get hit by Jack-fruit seeds and they would tuck under the seat (Pretty dangerous tricks). But, these girls seemed not worthy for such
bigger tricks either harmless .

       Not wanting to put her in a awkward scene i just ignored the two and turned back and started walking. After, I walked for about 200 mts listening them whisper, gossip and bully each-other behind me , i had to deviate to gully toward our home . I smiled at myself for being an victim and wondering how consecutive events occur.

      Yet another ordinary day .. . .

Thursday, March 22, 2012

When the Dumb talked

It was 12 at the Noon.A well dressed man, probably a marketing executive with a tie and suite with a briefcase in one hand and a big stone in his other hand stood in the middle of a busy road . Angered, he might kill anybody with it. He shouted at everyone in the watching crowd in a unknown language for doing this to him. The Whole crowd watched him,including the traffic police scared of getting hurt. None was ready to get near him.

Who was he? What happened ? With whom was he fighting ? ...and How would this end ?

With all these questions,just like everyone Mr.S stopped to witness the lion roar in the middle of the arena. He wasn't sure of what was going on. But,he felt sad for what had happened to the man and for the fact that none could stop it. As Mr.S was from a town where the real PEOPLE lived.

The people who would stop by to stop him from doing this. The people who would analyze the situation and act for it.The people who would convince him for what had happened.The people who would slap him on the face for creating a panic and the People Who would rip the person who caused him do this if,he wasn't wrong. But,this place was strange for him. Here all the living machines kept themselves always busy with no time to spare for the world. They had no time to react for the guy who fell from his bike next to them,They had no time either to help the bleeding rich man whose car hit a cow or, the cow that sat with oozing wounds on the road. Because, they had to answer their time keepers.Because,they had to dirty their shirt.Because,they dint know who the rich man or the cow was.Because,they dint know the language to ask him for his need.

S amidst of the living machines watched this,sitting on his bike.And,to his surprise, a filthy dressed female of around 28 passing by stopped. She walked straight to the executive without any fear and spoke the language. She was DUMB. She sighed him to drop down the stone, she asked him to calm down. She waved her hand conveying he was so decent to do this. And,she comforted him telling everything was alright and he will be okay. The executive understood her language.so did S and so did everyone. . . .

The executive dropped the stone with a drop of tear. He gave a thankful look at the women as his eyes would flood at any moment thinking, this was all that he had been longing for. A support,from a soul to end this,whoever or whatever started it. He dint' expect a Dumb women would do this to him. Yeah,she was the one who did it for a craving soul,when nobody could lend a word for him it was the Dumb who spoke.

S felt ashamed of it. He realized it was not the language he needed to end this.
And, everyone departed. . . for the show had been a flop.

Yet another ordinary day!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Singing with a Steam Inhalator

I hate you Flu . . I hate you .
and Yes i definitely do . .

Even-though you aren't a ghost you caused me some water.Under the bed-sheet i go,
Cursing you. Since,you make me cry more than my loved ones do!

Oh ! little flu You've got me my dear.
and Yes u definitely do . .

Your cupboard is so Claustrophobic as you soak me in your love Sweat,
You love me so much...u love me for sure . .

Sweetheart but, its time for u to leave because, i hate u so much,
and,Yeah i definitely do . .!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Pocket

The pocket !
Its An asset of a pant. A Money bag for a daily man. An nu-sense for a tailor and what·so·ever.

In our Story lets see what was it for Mr.T !

Mr.T was a costume freak, At-least amongst his friends. Some loved him and some hated him for the same. He kind of enjoyed their comments and the faces they made. He also had a Pant which his MOM liked so much. It had 2 huge POCKETS for which kangaroos would go on a auction to own them. It was the POCKETS that turned on Mr.T to own it.

Fun he had from their Comments on his pants and the Answers he gave:

# Are u working for the Packers and movers ?

# (On a Picnic) Lets all leave our belongings here. .

# Hey where's your Apron ? Don't you know we had to Centrifuge the DNA samples
>Mr.T : Here it is..(Pulling it out of his pocket)
and your notes ?
>Mr.T : Dats' y i hav two pockets !!

# I knw y ur mom likes your pants...she loves taking you to the Grocery Store !

# Hey buddy can you pick me a bottle of kingfisher n drop it in ?
>Mr.T : @#$%! ..

This is how that particular day Mr.T had worn his pants to his college.That day since his faculty wasn't present he had to kill time with his friends.He had gone to the ground floor to meet some friends and from the open windows of that classroom(i meant open windows without even the bars) he jumped out to the backyard with a bunch of his mates for a unknown reason.

That backyard was rustling with a lot of dry trees and weathered leaves on the ground.Mr.T had a super eye for the creatures.He spotted a Green tree snake crawling on one of the branches of a tree.Mr.T had a record in tampering snakes and boasted as he kept his log of stamping approx 24 snakes to death in that particular months. As his house was constructed near a river bank, he encountered a lot of water snakes in and around his house especially on the seasons,Which were all Non-Venomous.He proudly called himself as T.Irwin after the famous crocodile hunter who got killed by a sting ray. And, every-time he laughed at this joke.

Just like every other geek would want to act brave in-front of his mates,he had to take upon a challenge of catching one alive which was his second attempt after a water snake he managed to pull out of a well with his bare hands.But,this time he had to catch it. Being a Science graduate he knew green snakes are not venomous as compared to the other ones,he kept his cool. But, he also knew the Green snakes hanging in trees target your eyes,on a attack as they are attracted to the shiny eyes. That was sure of an Adrenaline moment for Mr.T. He somehow gathered courage to pull it down from the tree but his mission was to grab its head. Just because that's how the Professionals do.

Though he was brave he had to cheat a Little. He pulled a grassy herb and used it as a glove thinking it would prevent him. And,also he believed anything artificial like a polythene bag or a paper would be silly for his reputation among snakes. He had also mastered the technique of grabbing its tail first pulling it with the other hand and then manage to catch its head. HE CAUGHT IT. Hurray !..... He laughed for having proved he was T.Irwin. Now that he had caught a snake,he cant just leave it back. Come on folks he is a now a hero.

He has to take it to the class and fortunately his POCKETS came handy. He held the head of the trawling snake tight with a great fear camouflaged behind his proud smile. He rolled the green pathetic serpent around his fist and put his iron hands into the POCKET and started walking to the class. That small walk till his class kept his pulse for a week. It was a cruel harassment inside the POCKET. He was sweating as he entered the class.

At-last after celebrating his accomplishment after all the pranks in the class he threw it off the window.

Mr.T has now realized it was a pitiful thing he did, to prove his bravery. Later , after all his self realization he became a member of Greenpeace. That was the last snake he caught and every-time when he recollected that incident, the Serpent lived ...................'Happily Ever After' !!

Monday, February 27, 2012


I never expected i would encounter BEAT THE CHEAT II.
This time,it was once again the Gas station a IBP petrol bunk situated near
my work place .It was definetely unusual for me to pump in gas there.If only my
bike TeeZ wasn't really dry you wouldn't be even reading this.

This time i dared to take a test on my alertness.This is how it began...
I managed to squeeze out from the jammed signal and move to the last lane looking for my contender.There it was ! ,a lonely station staring at me like a vulture eying a rat from the tree top.The green little rat thinking it can outsmart,entered into the station.

I was welcomed by the two of the three men.This is not new i thought.Tactics i've
learn't till then.

#1. Never ever indulge in a conversation with the guy who fills the Gas.(Not even
reply a word facing them).
#2. Don't miss him entering the Quantity or the Amount to which you fill the gas.
#3(a). Here comes the twister..CASH or CARD ?
3(b) A second chatter.. Shall i fill in a round up quantity eg: 3 ltr/ 5 ltr ?
if filled for liters count. Shall i fill in a round up Value eg: Rs.200 /Rs.500 ? ( I reply for this with my heads constrained to the meter).
#4. Watch the meter till he fills the last drop.
#5. If using a card i would get down ,walk with him to the counter if needed,Swipe
it myself or i would make sure to notice him do it just once.

The bell rung.. I passed the #1 & #2 as if i were a pro.The #3rd trick always pulls me down.I
feel its quite indecent to respond to anyone turning ur back but,still i had to fail on my manners.I always concentrate for the #4 and i always avoid #5.
What else could go Wrong !?!

i filled for Rs.200 and payed him 500rupees note.Watched him carefully count the
balance of 300,and give me the balance. I was shocked to notice when i count it again i miss a note.And,he watched me realize and stare back at him,to hand over me the last note.

The trick only the magicians mastered all these days.Now a service person
at the gas station does it so fluently.When he flips the last note,he actually
slips it to the bag he had and hits his other notes and hands it to you.
Oh my ! his timing is so good .

Thanks to Raghav my friend who developed an eye for me to notice the card tricks he
does ;)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Johny & Janani

Let me tell a story of the two CHICKS..
Yeah!,they were the real chicks.

The story happened at my childhood when i was in my UKG ( Upper KinderGarten ). I came up with this idea of pets,After watching the neighboring kids play with their chicks.I fought hard and had my mom pay for them.They were not more than 2 Rupees each,but were my universe.

The Active and Attractive yellow chick - Johny.
Not so bold yet a Perfect partner orange chick - Janani.

I had them always with me in a basket carrying them everywhere i freaked.I troubled my mom to water and feed the two cuties because,i was scared they might sting my little pinky if i did it myself.I insisted my mom to refill their water cups every-time i spilled them all-over carrying the basket.This dint' last longer.

That day after school,I had let them out for the so called OUTING.(Out of the Basket). My mom was busy in the kitchen and my dad had gone out for prayers.I was all alone with Johny and Janani at the lawn located at the side of my home.

I had to answer my nature calls.I was desperate.So scared to catch the chicks and put them into the basket.I dint' have time to call my mom from the kitchen inside,she wouldn't hear me either.I thought of 'THE PLAN' . It was so simple,Run as fast as i can to the toilet and return back to watch them.

I ran......In the toilet,i feared to open the tap because i could not hear my chicks if anything went wrong.I imagined them all alone searching me in the lonely dense lawn.But,before i even finished i heard them scream.

Oh my GOD ! what happened to them? .My heart started aching.I sprang out pulling my underwear up my knee,i watched the horrifying nightmare happen right in front of my eyes.I saw my yellow johny flying in the air admits of some black cold blooded creatures.

The Crows had been waiting for me to leave and as soon i left.They had hunted my little Johny.I found Janani hiding itself under a pot.I yelled,screamed and then cried watching the black monsters prey on my little Johny .No-one heard me.I fought hard to bring him down but,at that point the black monsters were clever than me.They never lost their grip neither came down.I saw one crow snatching him from another.I couldn't take it anymore.That is when my dad entered home.

My Dad never allowed anyone make me cry.Unfortunately he too couldn't help me that day.I screamed at my dad to shoot down the crows.He had no choice but to bring the Unloaded double barrel Shotgun we had,and just pretend to fire them.It was too late.

I thought Janani wouldn't stay with it.so i gave her to my friend.They were my 1st and the last pets ever.

My 1st horrifying nightmare. .