Sunday, January 8, 2012

Johny & Janani

Let me tell a story of the two CHICKS..
Yeah!,they were the real chicks.

The story happened at my childhood when i was in my UKG ( Upper KinderGarten ). I came up with this idea of pets,After watching the neighboring kids play with their chicks.I fought hard and had my mom pay for them.They were not more than 2 Rupees each,but were my universe.

The Active and Attractive yellow chick - Johny.
Not so bold yet a Perfect partner orange chick - Janani.

I had them always with me in a basket carrying them everywhere i freaked.I troubled my mom to water and feed the two cuties because,i was scared they might sting my little pinky if i did it myself.I insisted my mom to refill their water cups every-time i spilled them all-over carrying the basket.This dint' last longer.

That day after school,I had let them out for the so called OUTING.(Out of the Basket). My mom was busy in the kitchen and my dad had gone out for prayers.I was all alone with Johny and Janani at the lawn located at the side of my home.

I had to answer my nature calls.I was desperate.So scared to catch the chicks and put them into the basket.I dint' have time to call my mom from the kitchen inside,she wouldn't hear me either.I thought of 'THE PLAN' . It was so simple,Run as fast as i can to the toilet and return back to watch them.

I ran......In the toilet,i feared to open the tap because i could not hear my chicks if anything went wrong.I imagined them all alone searching me in the lonely dense lawn.But,before i even finished i heard them scream.

Oh my GOD ! what happened to them? .My heart started aching.I sprang out pulling my underwear up my knee,i watched the horrifying nightmare happen right in front of my eyes.I saw my yellow johny flying in the air admits of some black cold blooded creatures.

The Crows had been waiting for me to leave and as soon i left.They had hunted my little Johny.I found Janani hiding itself under a pot.I yelled,screamed and then cried watching the black monsters prey on my little Johny .No-one heard me.I fought hard to bring him down but,at that point the black monsters were clever than me.They never lost their grip neither came down.I saw one crow snatching him from another.I couldn't take it anymore.That is when my dad entered home.

My Dad never allowed anyone make me cry.Unfortunately he too couldn't help me that day.I screamed at my dad to shoot down the crows.He had no choice but to bring the Unloaded double barrel Shotgun we had,and just pretend to fire them.It was too late.

I thought Janani wouldn't stay with i gave her to my friend.They were my 1st and the last pets ever.

My 1st horrifying nightmare. .


  1. oh gawd!! such a looping nightmare u got..freak..evn i was sad before readin the last sentence...kickass stuff!! wud love to kno how finally those two chicks ended up? u hogged dem dz tym??? :P

  2. gr8 story... but a bit sad :(

  3. Funny! I'm going to gift you two chicks (real chicks) :-)

  4. idhil thaangal koora varuvadhu....
