Saturday, October 15, 2011

Banana Peel and The Sad Truth

Banana . . . What a fruit it is !

I have a couple of memories with it.when i used to be a kid,my aunt's house would be the gather point for cricket matches.I usually team up with my cousin Abu with a DOZEN banana each in our hands as a snack.Oh my.. ! i had always asked for the next bunch after the next.Poor aunt,She got tired of buying them.

I have heard my mom say,once when we had visited her friend's house,how embarrassed she was when i threw a Banana peel " Zooiiiink " at the middle of the hall and never bothered about it!!.
Now,i had grown 12 yrs from then and have a different story for the Same banana peel.

It was around 7.30 before night,when i was returning back from work.I stopped in a tea stall for a cup of tea and a banana which would keep me burning till my dinner that usually occurred after 10.

I returned back the empty tea glass,and started peeling the banana.

by the time i took my last bite I realized,there was no Recycle Bins nearby.I kept looking for one anywhere near, for about 5mins and couldn't find one after checking the next pawn shop and the adjacent fastfood stall.I thought to enquire the shopkeeper but even before i turned to him he said " Apdiyae podubaa atha "

I hesitated to drop down and kept looking.After watching for a couple of mins,i heard him say to his friend " Itha parra Ravi,...keela poda maataraam ". For him i seemed stupid and senseless. i was humiliated for the 100th time for not being uncouth.

They were rude and so mean,few of his friends standing inside his shop joined him to watch what i was doing and Giggled.They almost convinced me i was mad for not dropping it in front of their shop.
" Am i the person who is supposed to be shameful? " i thought for myself.

Later they watched me ride back with the Banana peel hung to my bike in a plastic bag.I rode back thinking ,was that such an controversial act ?!?

What a sad truth !


  1. Thanish, It is great! Let us try our best to keep our cities neat and tidy!

  2. ya nae...Am just pissed off with their convincing strategy ;)
