Thursday, October 27, 2011


Ethics !

The word sounds familiar ha?. It seems like my people have forgotten to use it often.

I remember my Teacher once said. " Independence is freedom to do anything but,not to affect any soul in any are allowed to sway your arm till the nose tip of your mate,but an inch more is an serious issue "

You want to be a cheat!. Be it but,be to yourself and not to an innocent soul.
A well known technique to beat a cheating i've learnt from my experience.This might help you.Its the Petrol bunk employee this time..Perhaps most of the time !

As anticipated,i fixed my eyes on the meter for the readings when he tried to distract me.It dint work for him. Plan-B initiated : He now Plugged in the dispenser nozzle into my fuel tank before even i quoted him the quantity.
I stopped him " hey i dint' tell you how much "

Then i noticed him changing the digit from 100 to 200 after i claimed for a 200 rupees fill.Now i knew his plan-B too.

He now filled till it reached one point odd liters (i.e)100rupees and closed the lid and demanded for rupees 200,as if he already filled for a 100.I knew his strategy and i replied
" No,you filled for only 100 and here it is " i handed him a note.

He replied. " Its Okay ,i've filled. Give me 200 " and nodded his head pointing me to move my bike forward,While he opened the lid of the next bike's tank.

" Its OKAY !!! " i grew from my seat with my eyebrows squinched.
" what do you mean by 'its Okay ? " i demanded.

He now understood i was very much aware of the game play.
" Its Okay you can give me 100 " he agreed as if i was the crook here.

He deserved an appreciation for giving his tough shot!

Its OKAY ....for god's Sake !!
I rode back muttering fiercely.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Banana Peel and The Sad Truth

Banana . . . What a fruit it is !

I have a couple of memories with it.when i used to be a kid,my aunt's house would be the gather point for cricket matches.I usually team up with my cousin Abu with a DOZEN banana each in our hands as a snack.Oh my.. ! i had always asked for the next bunch after the next.Poor aunt,She got tired of buying them.

I have heard my mom say,once when we had visited her friend's house,how embarrassed she was when i threw a Banana peel " Zooiiiink " at the middle of the hall and never bothered about it!!.
Now,i had grown 12 yrs from then and have a different story for the Same banana peel.

It was around 7.30 before night,when i was returning back from work.I stopped in a tea stall for a cup of tea and a banana which would keep me burning till my dinner that usually occurred after 10.

I returned back the empty tea glass,and started peeling the banana.

by the time i took my last bite I realized,there was no Recycle Bins nearby.I kept looking for one anywhere near, for about 5mins and couldn't find one after checking the next pawn shop and the adjacent fastfood stall.I thought to enquire the shopkeeper but even before i turned to him he said " Apdiyae podubaa atha "

I hesitated to drop down and kept looking.After watching for a couple of mins,i heard him say to his friend " Itha parra Ravi,...keela poda maataraam ". For him i seemed stupid and senseless. i was humiliated for the 100th time for not being uncouth.

They were rude and so mean,few of his friends standing inside his shop joined him to watch what i was doing and Giggled.They almost convinced me i was mad for not dropping it in front of their shop.
" Am i the person who is supposed to be shameful? " i thought for myself.

Later they watched me ride back with the Banana peel hung to my bike in a plastic bag.I rode back thinking ,was that such an controversial act ?!?

What a sad truth !

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Single or Double ?

Today it was signal-13.I had turned the engine off.Proudly sitting on my 6 month old Yamaha FZS and watched for the mysteries on the roads to unroll.

Suddenly i felt my bag move behind and a hand after it.As if someone was trying to flick it.
" What the ...., " I turned with the pull of my reflux and just froze to see what that hand was doing !.

It was a hand of my next commuter who stood with his bike next to me.He also had a pillion rider.Right before my very eyes the rider with the helmet pushed my bag aside which,i had strapped against my chest and had laid it back on my pillion.He touched the seat behind me and made a point to his pillion rider in some unknown language.

" hey,What on earth is he doing" i thought for a second.

Eventually his helmet turned to face me and the lips within grinned.I Stared back at them,confused what where they up to.The Metal head started to speak in his own language.I tried to listen to him with my ears widened looking for a english word he had cooked with his delicious language.Ah ,he dropped those two meat balls. The words were SINGLE or DOUBLE ?

For a moment i wondered,soon i understood he was talking about my pillion.I persumed,Their argument was whether my bike had a pillion or not.Thats what they had meant to ask ,it is a Single seater or a double.

I replied, its a ONE and HALF seater and returned a grin ! . Now i could see their grin grow into a laughter.I smiled back. He again cooked his language but, this time it was with his gesture he stated my pillion was so high,the rider sitting behind would be way above me,when i break he/she would fly above .

Old school i thought...It was time to move On !

Thursday, October 6, 2011

On the Edge of a Chainsaw

Chainsaw ! !

It has become a Mass Killing tool ever since the movie "Chainsaw Massacre"

I had been a person,who once loved to sit late night,wait for every soul to retire,till the lights went off, locked dark inside and start to enjoy the thrill watching a brutal Death.

I can see some readers thinking " How sick he could be ?"

Trust me for some like me,the thrill from horror movies seems interesting until You are a victim yourself one day.Yes,it was my turn That day.

My limbs were split wide and was held tight by the four unknown giants.But, for some reason these giants wore their dirty white aprons.My body had been intruded by these unknown carnivorous living intrusions.Which has already decayed one of my lower and both of my upper limbs and has scavenged on it.I learnt that it was high time to get them cut off from my body or its gonna spread all over.
Oh my ! I dont wish these filthy heavy grown untamed doctors to possibly be my caretakers.

With a deep voice one said " Chop it down, Chop it"

The BuZzzzz'ling Chainsaw was bursting my head off.

First was my right hand.I could already feel my humerus beneath my flesh shivering and vibrating vigorously with all the veins pulling it back.Its about to be cut off,splashing red all over.The sharp toothed blades of the chainsaw slowly cut through my right arm from the inner side of my elbow.Yelling and Screaming out of pain..........

For the hundredth time i thanked god for it being just a dream.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Dog and the Driver

Today ,like every other ordinary day i started for work.Me and my boy TeeZ (My bike) On the way approximately at the 12th out of the 19 traffic signals i cross daily.The signal was on and I was waiting at the very front ,just touching the white line that separates the pedestrian crossing. Throttling, to see the green go.

Suddenly,at the right side of the road this Auto driver caught my eye.I saw him running to pick up a dead rat that lay on the road ,grabbed it before a dog which actually came from the other side to make it a yummy breakfast.

Surprised seeing that i turned my engine off and had a better sight.I was in bizarre. What was he up to now !!!

Holding the tip of its tail He wagged the dead pity rodent in-front of the dog like a pendulum sway. And every time it tried to grab it he pulled it off.What on earth was the man thinking !!! was it a crazy game for a busy driver to play on the roads? i thought.

I couldn't resist the traffic move.I expected something to happen before i leave.I could feel the anger the dog had. Did the gods cast a spell on all these strays ?

First,I Felt FUNNY to see him sway the dead meat,then OFFENDED to see the dog crave........Then finally ,i felt the horn of the car behind bursting my ear drum ;)

What an Ordinary Day !!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sue You 6 O'Clock !

It was Dusk around 5.30 to 6 pm,a cloudy eve when i was called by the cops.I must have been tired slept a couple of hours after a 2 days of tiring work.what this time ? ,i thought.

What could have happened today ?why do they call me at this time? was it for what i think it is for? How did they knew about it? With all sorts of questions racing in my mind i reached the place i was asked to report.

There i met my friend Mr.X and other two companions of him.One was bald with a round specs and was in mid-thirties and the other was little younger. I thought how where they involved into this.Greeting mr.X i started walking along the street along with the three.The cops had already reached the area and had been expecting me already.They were in was very usual we knew each-other very well.

Thinking hard to remember it, i started walking down the road.Nothing seemed suspicious.As i Kept Walking Suddenly Things started looking familiar.I Said "This is the road,.....It must be this Right" .I prayed god why do i remember this.yes! it was the road i saw. I told Mr.X ,i don't really remember whether i read it before or was it in my dream. We kept walking into the right with the cops following behind.By then i remembered yes it was my dream or else i couldn't have seen the building.I stood dead in front of the building ,it was busy ,i could spot a few of them from the good gang.No one knew it was going to happen today.It was that same night.

Suddenly everything seemed to be happening at present.Me and my friend had come for a hangout or something where we had met these two guys.i.e,His companions.we entered the gate into the empty ground with trees and some cars parked at the led to the building.Now i saw the other 4 guys of the good gang even before the first two playing there.This building must be a very old museum or a science Laboratory.Then i also saw the young couples entering the campus.They were dressed the same way i saw.OH my God!! this is happening.

There were somebody yet to enter the scene.They were the real game players.I heard the sound of a old van arriving.was it them ? my Arteries started pumping hard, i needed more oxygen.Yes it was them.They were around 4 to 5.Almost everyone of them dark.And they started walking into the campus.They were the BAD GANG.The first 2 guys of the bad gang one with a curly hair and a scary eyes.watching nothing but staring right into my eyes walked past me.It was like him challenging me "Stop it if you Could " but i knew it was gonna happen but was left with no clue how it began.

I tried to convey it to Mr.X taking him aside when i saw 2 dumb guys from the bad gang following us back closely as if they would enter their heads in between my lips and his ears.I watched them and was shocked.then one of them tried to pretend as if they wanted to take a snap with us.We co-operated .I thought this snap would help me to spot them.How Dumb can they be.

Clues i remembered Level-2:in my Dream

#1. There was a path leading to the back and side of the building where everything seemed rustling with leaves all over probably a swampy which stood a dirty vehicle parked for a very long time with no tyres.hearing a crowd of people talking while they were playing cards sitting in a round table like a get together.i watched them hiding behind the among them was a complete stranger rather i would say a foreigner.

#2. I was somewhere in the second floor of the building i was being played pranks by my old school friends.which was getting nasty.


Now the Bad Gang had formed a row walking around that particular 1 from the good gang.I knew that Horrifying thing that was about to happen.I remember there were some 5-6 deaths with other left badly hurt.most of them from the good gang.This was not quite often i witness in my dreams.I started sweating my heart pumped even more harder.My mouth was dry,i needed some water,I gasped.. Mr.X tapped me on my shoulders ........Zzzuk ! i woke up.

I would be late for my work- it was 6 O'clock !!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Slap

This guy whom i was once afraid off !!..I wasn't really afraid ,but kinda dared not to face him. To everyone he is a pain in the ____ !!

Was pulling me for something which i intended not to participate.i guess it was a bully on someone.
i said
" no am not into this ".
" u have to come,am not leaving you".
Pulling my hand he tried to drag me into this crap

" I wouldn't be like before ,let me alone "i said,
"Am not letting you go " he bugged.

" I Wouldn't be nice on you the next time "i warned.
he just kept pulling me ,like a donkey's bite on a man's robe who tried to run away.

That is where i just gave him a Powerful SLAP..just one slap,that defined it all..

i said " Am not the same Thanish anymore "

I woke up !

Next time Spare my dreams Mr.S ;)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Am Hungry !

Am hungry !!.. hungry for that something.
Just like everyone else at every certain part of their lives are hungry for something.I wish this hunger i have got now persists till i reap my feast.I wish at-least this hunger ties me hard on the cart,hard enough i don't loose the track till i win my race.

I feel funny every time my hunger strikes ,i remember i had the same feeling earlier,even once before it,or maybe even twice.My blood had boiled the same way before but, how long did i hanged to it ? Did i really feel i could do it ? Did i gave up? Will this be my last hunger? let this be. yes i believe this is it.

I still recollect this person say,after hearing what was my story and what am i gonna be.. said " Hmm..,poor u .,what else could a person from your origin be like". I had buried this within me.

I ignored him for the first time. but something kept reminding me about the words he said.since then those words intruded slowly into my skull and has rooted deep into my brain.Now I hear it often. what did this man mean.Ain't i capable ? why not me?

Am thankful for this man in my life.He had put a strong furnace burning in my heart.And one day am gonna meet this person to tell him those casual words of yours had chained me all over to this point.Am waiting for the day. yeah, am hungry for the day .

Friday, August 5, 2011

Am Thinking

I think ,i think and i think.
To spill whatever i think
voila..i have finally found a place where i could just spill it all.

My dad used to be a very good storyteller,he still does.He has tons of memories mixed up .he has got his own way of delivering it with nose,eyes,hands and legs at times even the heads change.Sorry dad "I spilled everything" .I believe now its my turn to carry on with this precious gift my family has got.As a matter of fact,my Aunt too has already started a book.

I get carried away from the content easily.You know what, i've started writing to overcome this.Inspired by my brother Moosa Khan who is one good writer.i still owe him a piece of comic strip for one of his short story.Oh my God!!!. i've forgot to tell you about me.

In a word ,am a "DREAMER" yeah,i am.Just in the way like our Ex-President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam quotes "Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended". Like every single being i too have bags of comes the interesting part.

I almost remember at-least 5 dreams in a week,at times even day dreams.I've even tried sketching out my dreams as soon the sun peeped my windows. Ahh, by now you would be wondering what does this guy really do for living!.Am a Professional Animator.Now i've got the tool to visualize my imaginations.I boast a bit on this,cause you know how u feel when they say he is creative.People Watching,Behavioral studies,gesture studies are certain things am professionally interested in. Swimming,Driving,Badminton,Football,Movies,Patriotism,Life Science,Art of Dressing are some of my interests.Above all i am a good entertainer.Okay,i'll drop it here.You will know more about me once you start following my blog.

Am thinking to improve writing,hoping all of you my loved ones would help me out.I'm planning to narrate all my dreams,instant Thoughts on my visuals and my views,Own stories thinking...thinking and thinking...What am i going to spill down all of the time !!